Celebrating Together: RMRA's Annual BBQ Party Marks the Start of Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

The RMRA team is delighted to express our gratitude for the fantastic turnout at our 2nd annual RMRA Village BBQ Party in Thornton on Sunday, October 1st, 2023. Families from all parts of Colorado attended! We were thrilled to see numerous girls and boys affected by Rett syndrome and their extended families gathering to connect with other Rett families. Many attendees proudly wore purple shirts or apparel adorned with Rett-related quotes, marking a perfect commencement to Rett Syndrome Awareness Month. We encourage everyone to continue wearing these shirts throughout the month, helping us raise awareness about this devastating disease.

The BBQ event was a resounding success with delicious Moe’s BBQ, made sweeter by the delectable homemade desserts that Katie's Confections generously provided. Thank you also to Jimmy and Kammy Chan, who shipped their specialty chips from the Hawaiian Chip Company right from Hawaii! Their daughter Holly is seen at the Rett Clinic, so this was their contribution to the Rett community! DJ Trip, also known as our dedicated board member Justin Allen, set the perfect vibe with his tunes.

The weather was nearly perfect, albeit a bit windy. Our board president, Jim Schroath, operated the always-popular cotton candy machine. Board member Sarah Ahlstrom demonstrated modifying children's toys, making them more interactive and accessible for kids with disabilities and hand motion challenges. We’ll post the video of her instructions soon on Facebook - stay tuned!

We were honored to host Seth, Heather, Kristin and Claire, representatives from Acadia, who answered questions about DayBue, and Liz from Solace Pediatric Healthcare, a caregiver non-profit, who shared valuable information about their program.

Our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors and partners, whose support made this event possible. Please scroll down to view pictures capturing the memorable moments from this extraordinary day!


Research status at the Rett Clinic at Children’s Hospital Colorado


Maddy was on KRDO!