Delightful Memories from the Princess Tea Party

On September 15th, RMRA hosted a Princess Tea Party! Children with Rett and Rett-like disorders were invited to bring two guests to an afternoon of princess fun. Encouraged to dress as your favorite princess, prince, or super-hero, many took up the opportunity and showed up in their best dresses. Tea and snacks were enjoyed while princesses from Wands & Wishes read stories and entertained the guests.


The location – Fleming Mansion in Denver was perfect and packed with over 40 people. 

A mom of a Rett daughter gave the following feedback about the event:

I appreciated the introductions and hearing a little bit about everyone else’s Rett journey. It helped me feel less alone with my own daughter’s journey.

Thank you Team Select for sponsoring the event.  Every little princess had a great time and went home with lots of memories. 

team select.png

Check out some pictures from the event:


Rett Syndrome Awareness Month


Rett Ed: Caregiving and Respite Support