Girl collects $800 with Lemonade stand benefiting the Rett Clinic

Meet Anna, fundraising rock star!

Anna Cummins is a very special little sister. Her sister Maddy was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at age 2 1/2 and having a sister with a disability asks a lot of other siblings. But Anna plays an amazing role in the Rett Syndrome world.

Anna is a bright, beautiful and kind 5th grader with a heart of gold. For the past few summers she has organized and operated a lemonade stand outside of her home in Colorado Springs.

She sets up the table in purple, makes the lemonade, decorates poster boards and prints of slips of paper. She enlists the help of her sister Maddy, cousins and neighborhood kids and gives everyone jobs: cousins and neighbors take the orders and deliver the lovely cold cup of lemonade. Her sister Maddy sits at the table “supervising” and watching over the donation jar. Anna talks with her customers.

You may ask what is she discussing with these strangers on the side of the road?


Many are asking:

“What are you raising money for? A bike, iPad, your church…”

Anna replies:

“No Ma’am, my sister”.

She then introduces her big sister and explains that she has Rett Syndrome. She educates them on the syndrome and explains that she raises the money for the Rett Clinic. She gives them a slip of paper with RMRA information on it along with a large cup of lemonade. Many just smile and nod and pass her 50 cents, but most are so touched by her love for her sister that they dig a little deeper in their pockets. She even had a lady write her a $200 check for a few cups!

Anna collected her money, then hand delivered it the Rett Clinic, where board member Kathleen Reynolds accepted it in the name of the Rocky Mountain Rett Association, which is funding the operations of the Rett Clinic.

Thank you Anna, we are all very proud of you!

We will honor Anna’s fundraising effort at the 12th Annual Walk n’ Roll on August 13th. Give her a high five when you see her! She is a fundraising rock star!


Fun day at the 12th Annual Walk n’ Roll