RMRA’s 1st Mardi Gras Fête

On March 2nd, the Rocky Mountain Rett Association organized the Mardi Gras Fête, a fundraiser for the RMRA and the Rett Clinic at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Even with several inches of snow coming down, over 100 attendees braved the weather to attend the special evening. The unique and timeless Mercury Café in Denver was chosen as the location. Decorated beautifully with a multitude of light-chains strung along the ceiling, this venue was like a magical place!

The majority of participants donned beautiful Mardi Gras-like attire, from colorful masks and beads to full costumes fitting the theme of the event. Typical New Orleans style fare rice and beans and collard greens were offered on the buffet-style menu and the live music of the Queen City Jazz Band kept everyone moving! Swing Nights dance instructors provide some guidance for those new to swing dancing. For attendees not interested in cutting a rug, there was a tarot card reader, a photo booth and a wine pull station to keep them busy.

RMRA board member Kara Penn gave a presentation to introduce the audience to Rett Syndrome and what RMRA is doing to help Rett children, which was followed by John Schaffner, master auctioneer, who moderated a fantastic live auction. As a highlight of the evening Tania and Tim Moore, long time RMRA supporters with a Rett daughter, were crowned as King and Queen Mardi Gras! Our sponsor of the event was First Bank – thank you! Overall proceeds of this event were over $17,000, which will make it possible for RMRA to offer additional days of the Rett Clinic at Children’s Hospital. RMRA already promised to offer it again next year! Get an impression of the fun by clicking through the images below.


RMRA’s 3rd Annual Mom & Me Magical Makeover Event


Ride 4 Rett, RMRA’s 1st Cycling Fundraiser – a huge success