Recap – 2nd Rett Clinic Family Symposium

Thank you all for coming to the 2nd Rett Clinic Family Symposium

The second Rett Clinic Family Symposium was held on September 30th 2017. The event was organized by the Rett Clinic at the Children’s Hospital Colorado and sponsored by Rocky Mountain Rett Association. Six clinic specialists and guest speakers were on site to discuss a range of topics for families, who have a child with Rett, CDKL5, MECP2 Duplication and FOXG1. Eighty people attended the event.

We would like to thank all speakers for providing insights into their area of research.

Tim Benke, MD, PhD, Medical Director, Rett Clinic and Research Director, Neuroscience Institute:

Scott Demarest, MD, Neuroscience Institute:

Dr. Edwin Liu, Digestive Health Institute, Children’s Hospital Colorado

Ellen Mazel, CVI Program Manager, Perkins School for the Blind

Colette Christen, Family Navigator, Neurology

Dr. Terry Katz, Children’s Hospital Colorado


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