Slice of Rett Life – From an Aunt’s Perspective

This blog was written by Sarah Allen, Aunt to Brooke Allen, in support of Rett Awareness Month – October 2017:

My niece Brooke

Rett Syndrome is one of those things that most people, myself included, never hear about until it directly affects them or someone you know. December of 2015… that’s when our family became affected. My lovely niece, Brooke, was diagnosed at almost two years old. Brooke developed normally for the first several months of her life. Probably around eight to ten months or so we started to realize she was slowing down, or stalling in her development. At her twelve month check up my sister in law and brother in law expressed their concerns and were provided with therapies and eventually many rounds of testing which led to her diagnosis. Brooke still benefits from several therapies which help her immensely. Speech therapy is my favorite because giving her a voice is so important and so great to see. Eye gaze technology is an amazing thing!


While Rett Syndrome has robbed Brooke and many other girls/children of many things, it does not rob them of their personalities. Brooke is a loving, silly, playful little girl who rarely meets a stranger. She is a people person, a lover of music, cartoons, and dancing. She is a true light in our lives and so loved. Thank you to RMRA and all the doctors and other organizations, donators, and families that continue their work and keep our hope alive and well that there will soon be a cure.

With love and hope to all affected by Rett Syndrome.

Sarah Allen – Aunt to Brooke Allen

If you are a Rett parent, sibling or other relative and would like to submit a Slice of Rett Life blog, please email it to with a picture.


Recap – 2nd Rett Clinic Family Symposium


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