The 2017 Judi Masters Award honors AlloSource


Judi Masters was an incredible promoter of knowledge and information about Rett Syndrome. She engaged her community in supporting all children with Rett. She made amazing inroads into building this awareness. In fact many past and existing RMRA board of directors and volunteers got involved thanks to Judi’s tireless efforts.

Judi came to Rett like most of us. When her granddaughter Caitlyn Masters received a Rett Syndrome diagnoses, she became part of this group nobody asks to be part of. When Judi died four years ago, RMRA decided to name the award in her honor for her efforts and legacy in promoting awareness and engagement around Rett syndrome. RMRA is now in its third year of giving out the Judi Masters award.


The Judi Masters Award 2017 honors AlloSource, a company that in its day-to-day work is making miracles happen through tissue donation. This caring and value for the act of donation, translates to a caring work culture. AlloSource, through volunteers, matching donations, and even a past-dedicated board member, Chris Wertz, has been a strong supporter of RMRA for many years. AlloSource has served as a model company for supporting causes near and dear to employees, and we’ve benefited from this sharing of time, talent and treasure.


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